Day 2 started off slightly later for me because of the lack of public transport to the village on a Sunday. This meant a bike ride down to Cremyll for the 9O'clock Cremyll ferry.
My first job of the day was again selling programs along with getting all of the 100 odd buses attending into position along the Hoe. I directed them from near the start down towards Gary Furness and co who would direct them into their bays, trying to group together the similar ones such as the two Marshall Bodied Bristol LHs VOD 88K and sister VOD 124K.

My first run for the day was
to be the piolet with Terry Bennet aboard his wonderful Bristol LH VOD 88K which had been newly repainted in this superb Devon General Livery. This bus had recently gone through Major restoration after from retiring from work on the Channel Islands. This was a brilliant ride down to the ferry with Terry driving the journey there and James Pratt with the return journey. As you can tell from the picture the weather was somewhat damper than the Saturday, but didn't dampen the spirits whatsoever!

On return I had another run down to the ferry, again this was on LFJ 844W which was being regularly used on this route because of her heritage with this route, following much of her old route 81 and some of the 80. You can see again the comparison with the weather from the day before!

soon as I got back my next run was on LFJ 844W again bu
t on a run out to Mount Batten. I joined Derrick Cuff on this run. On this longer distance run it was obvious that 1200 had lost a bit of power, nothing wrong, likely just under used as with many preserved buses, though with a little tinkering and a good run I'm sure
she'd be in fine fettle once more. The picture shows Cuffy standing outside his Ex Torpoint Ferrybus, which he used to drive daily while working at Torpoint. Though on the way back to Plymouth I remembered that I had been booked out with James Pratt aboard LFJ 862W down to the ferry once again!

This meant as soon as we returned it was a run across the Hoe where James was already set to depart so as soon as I arrived we were off! And my after being on sister LFJ 844W for the morning I was stunned how fast LFJ 862W went in comparison. She has been re-restored, into Devon General Poppy Red after a fire at her storage base. At the same time she also had a reconditioning. What a fantastic ride, thanks to James. On the return journey we had Ian, owner of XDV 608S the VR which WNPG member Mike Hudson used to own. He also owns an ex Plymouth Leyland Atlantean and a Leyland Leopard. He says that restoration should start in the near future, firstly with re-paneling, though mechanically she is already a fantastic bus.
Also on this run, a bumped into Mr David Sheppard, (that man who does Saturday night radio!) from BBC Radio Devon, who was aboard LFJ 862W, (you might just be able to make him out getting off the VR). I had a quick chat with him before the journey back.
I also then joined him on a trip to Yealmpton on a bus sister to his, this being Bristol SU 336 EDV, with a very enjoyable conversation with him all the way! And on quite a stunning little bus too!

The following picture are from Saturday, this being the line up of 5 (well 4 really) Western National buses including the newly painted Trident in the special Anniversary livery, which earlier in the day had been having technical problems.
All in all an amazing weekend and I can't wait for next year! As always pictures and videos are and will be made available on my
And youtube:
Apologises for layout but Blogger is very annoying sometimes for things like this! Including not being able to delete pictures!