Saturday, 31 March 2007
The Jessop's Journey from Plymouth to New Zealand
Type of Transport Company Journey Cost Time
Taxi Taxi fast Stoke-Plymouth Airport £8.00 10mins
Plane Air Southwest Plymouth-Gatwick £120.00 35mins
Coach National Express Gatwick-Heathrow £57.00 1hour
Plane British Airways Heathrow-New Zealand £2253.20 26hours
Totals 4 5 £2438.20 27h 45mins
Good luck to the Jessops!
Friday, 30 March 2007
34002 broken again

The only Torpoint Volvo Olympian 34002 proved a very unreliable bus since her introduction in March 2006. It has been said "She spends more time off the road than off the road". Her Volvo Penta engine has been the problem. There has been many mechanical and electrical falts with her. It has until now been fixed in the Depot at Torpoint but it is such a major problem it has now been sent to Laira Depot for what we think is a new engine or a major overhall. It has so far been away for about 3 weeks so it should return soon.
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Plymouth Sound Comes bach into service
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Herritage train takes the strain
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Ilfracombe depot to close.

Monday, 26 March 2007
Public Transport of the Plymouth Area
It covers all the public transport around Plymouth and is updated about once too twice a fortnight. Happy Browsing.
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Tridents Arrive for the 93
Friday, 23 March 2007
Pont Aven's costs are redused.
Photo Courtesy of Luke Farley
The Pont Aven is the Flagship ferry of Brittany Ferries. The Pont Aven as I have mentioned in a previous blog has just come back into service following its refurbishment. Newly announced is that the journey time on its route from Plymouth to Santander is to increase from 18 hours to 24 hours to save money on fuel bills. It is estimated it will save around 8% of the average cost. This might mean that fares could come down. If the fair does decraese by 8% it will now cost £52 instead of £57.
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Seabus has gone
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Spring High Tides

Tuesday, 20 March 2007
34 is late again

Monday, 19 March 2007
Northern Belle to be replaced

Northern Belle docked off Cremyll.
The Northern Belle has run the Cremyll ferry service from Cremyll to Admirals Hard for just under 81 years. It is shortly going to be taken out of service and replaced, thought there is a slim chance it will have a major refit re-building nearly the whole boat. This will happen any time within the next 5 years and will have to be replaced by 2012 because of new regulations being put into place at that time. I will keep you posted on this but it looks like it will be a bitter end to such a hard working boat.
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Problems with the Enviro 200s aswell

Replacement bus SN56 AXJ stands in Royal Parade
I mensioned in a previous blog that the Enviro 400s have been having electrical problems. Plymouth Citybus also bought three Enviro 200 to run soley on route 34 but these are also going wrong. These have been having engine failers and they need three buses to run the route so they are having to rope in a replacement Enviro 200 from Alexander Dennis. Since they joined the fleet replacement bus SN56 AXJ has made three visits and has become a regular site around Plymouth. Lets hope they can fix these aswell.
Saturday, 17 March 2007
No More Tridents

Dennis Trident 32759 in Cawsand.
The rather unusual Tamar Link Dennis Tridents are now a familiar site in the area. But not for much longer. Within the next month they will be taken out of service on routes 80A, 80B, 81A and 81B because the route just isn't hevily populated enought to use such big vechicals. They will be reserved soley for routes 80 and 81. The buses that will be used indtead are the Mercedes Varios, the Dennis Dart, The Volvo Olympian and the Leyland Olympians.
Friday, 16 March 2007
Park and Ride Probems

Pont Aven Returns

To the left is the Pont Aven in Cawsand bay getting ready for the first trip of the year.
The Pont Aven is Brittany Ferries flagship vessel. It has just come back after a refit over the winter period. We think that they won't have done anything major like an interior change as the boat is only 3 years old. The only jobs we know have been done are that one of the front decks of windows has been taken out because of smashed windows on a voyage last year to make sure it doesn't happen again and that it has been repainted. It will now run the route between Plymouth and San Tan Der in Spain for the rest of the season.