Sorry I haven't posted for a while I have been busy.
Recently First Devon and Cornwall has won the bid to take over all the retendered routes from Plymouth Citybus that have been given away. First Devon and Cornwall were only going to get a few the rest to Target Travel but they are all now going to First Devon and Cornwall. These routes will be 10, 13, 18, 30, 34B(not 34) 38, 44B (not 44) and 46B (not 46). If any of these apply to you please consult me for more information on the changes that will be taking place on your local route. The changes to your timetables and route operator will be taking place on Sunday 30th December this year just in time for the new year though there will Sunday operation the next day then no operation the next and then Sunday operation the day after that. These changes will be permanent and not short term as Plymouth City Council is currently trying to cut back on costs related to Plymouth Citybus therefore retendeing them seemed the best option for them to do. The timetables will be revised so if these routes apply to you please check the First Devon and Cornwall website which is
www.firstgroup.com. The new timetables will be published in the near future there under the section “New Timetables”. The changes will also mean that the fairs will increase and certain passengers will no longer be able to buy return journeys for the routes as they could be operated by different companies at different times.