Sunday, 29 April 2007

Hong Kong Dennis Darts for X38

(Sorry the picture isn't a Hong Kong Dart I didn't have a picture of one)
Stagecoach have just began running the Hong Kong type Dennis Darts on the X38 from Plymouth. This in my opinion is not a very good decision as it is quite heavily populated, it is a long distance route and it is motorway route all the things the Dennis Dart is not good at. Why can’t they use the Dennis Trident like nearly all of the other routes Stagecoach run. Even something like a Leyland Olympian would be better as they are just so mush more comfortable and pleasant to be on. Or should they be pioneers and use some radical new bus like First’s park and ride Dennis Enviro 400s or even better the first Dennis Enviro 500 in Britain. Just a little note to Stagecoach, try harder next time.

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