So here she is, 132 taking up her position for the final time on Royal Parade. This was the last time a Dart will ever commence its service in Royal Parade after departing right across the city thousands of times over her 17 year career.
A big thanks must go to PCTPG group member, and Ex-PCB driver and conductor, Paul Burch, for providing the headboard to commemorate the final running. He stayed up into the early hours of the morning painting this up, and really did complete the look.
So here we have, the very last passengers that will ever enjoy a ride on a step entrance Dennis Dart, a majority of which were enthusiasts. The two girls sitting prior to the wheel arch were very confused by all the attention M132 was getting, and inquired about the headboard, thinking that the bus service was stopping. Technically, yes that is true, but since when was the route called "Dennis Dart"?!
So here we have her paused in a couple of scenic locations along the way, firstly at Shaugh Prior, and then again outside the White Thorn pub, looking stunning. These really don't look their age, and even at 17, there was barely a scratch on her to tell her apart from a modern bus.
So, there we have it. The step Dart is finally about to disappear from Plymouth after some 19 brilliant years of service. PCB simply won't be the same without these old, faithful stalwarts of the fleet. They were loved by drivers, and admired by passengers back in their day, but sadly, times move on and the public are beginning to 'expect' better, even when we may believe they have many a good year of service left in them. Endlessly reliable, powerful and comfortable. Their only real 'flaw' was the lack of low floor (excuse the pun)! I shall end by saying a huge thanks once more to all involved with organising the final farewell at Plymouth Citybus. There are very few companies that would make the effort to put on something like that for the enthusiasts to enjoy. And to our driver, Doug, for his kindness in allowing us to pause for photos, his friendliness all along the way and for giving me the last ever sign off ticket and end of duty ticket ever to be printed on an in service Dart. A really lovely occasion to end on.

Nice Report Laurence! A Couple of Us Did 124 on 11:00am Trip. R.I.P Step Darts
"Loved by drivers, enjoyed by passengers, and admired by enthusiasts, the step Darts will be a sad loss to Plymouth"
Not sure I could agree with that, they were not that enjoyed by passengers, certainly not when they were expecting low floor buses. As for loved by drivers - You ask almost any bus driver what he thinks about the bus he is driving and he will tell you its a pile of junk, whatever they are driving. Its what bus drivers do!
will miss them a bit I suppose though
@Anon Oh so they were swapping the Darts around during the day were they?
@ Graham. Hmm true, I seem to be looking at this through tinted glass! Do you think then I should change it to "Were, loved by drivers etc..." Surely when they were new they were admired!
'Oh so they were swapping the Darts around during the day were they?'
Yes, 124 11:00am Trip, 132 12:00am. 128 on Milehouse All Day.
Would Also not Agree with Loved by Passengers. Hated More Like... :P
At least one Citybus dart will be seen around Plymouth and West Devon for a while yet.
We bought 119 as cover for our two step darts.
124 was in service on route 49 today.
The return of the dead!
Check my photo.
Is the Same as the Anglia 86 Withdrawal, there was About 4/5 Seperate 'Farewells' Months Apart!
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