Thursday, 12 July 2007

Let battle commence

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago Stagecoach Devon would be going into direct completion with there rivals First Devon and Cornwall. It was announced that Stagecoach would launch new route X45 Plymouth-Paignton which runs exactly the same route as First’s route X80

Stagecoach has done this because of First increasing the frequency of the route between Torquay and Paignton. Both companies run the same type of bus though First’s are a bit newer so one will win there. They both run the same frequency as well. But the loyalty of the customers is at the moment with First as Stagecoach has never even come here before. And First are offering the journey for cheaper. First have advertised this at Paignton bus station owned by Stagecoach giving hand outs out about there cheaper fares cost in £1 cheaper than Stagecoach. This resulted in the Police being called in as Stagecoach thought they were breaching the peace.

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